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Hatfield & Askern Colliery Band <\/strong><\/h1>\n

100 Club<\/strong><\/h1>\n

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Interested in supporting the band?\u00a0 If you want to make a modest financial contribution, with a chance of winning one of our monthly (\u00a350), quarterly (\u00a3100) or 6-monthly (\u00a3250) prizes, then this is for you.\u00a0 Monthly subscriptions cost \u00a35, payable by Standing Order.<\/p>\n

Please use the application form below to send your details to us if you wish to join the Hatfield & Askern Colliery Band 100 Club.\u00a0 We will then get in touch with you to arrange subscription payment and confirm details.<\/p>\n

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\n 100 Club Entry Form<\/legend>